Argentine wine is the one that is mainly and traditionally produced in the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, Salta, La Rioja, Córdoba, Catamarca and in recent decades they have begun to be produced in Neuquén, Río Negro, Entre Ríos, Chubut, Buenos Aires and Santa Fe.Wine is the national beverage of Argentina. Argentina is the largest producer of wine in Latin America and the sixth largest producer in the world, as well as the ninth largest exporter in the world. The quality of Argentine wine has been growing without stopping In recent years, gaining ground in the world market Mendoza is quantitatively and qualitatively the most important province in terms of Argentine wine production, producing 65% of the national production of total exports, Within Mendoza, the main regions of production are Luján de Cuyo, Agrelo, Valle de Uco (Tupungato, Tunuyán and San Carlos) and San Rafael. Although there are many strains, Malbec (20,000 hectares planted in Mendoza), Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah stand out in the reds. Among the whites, the Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and, especially Torrontés, stand out. As for the Malbec native of Cahors in France, its name in French slang means bad peak, that is, in French figurative language "bad taste" and this is for having too many tannins (being astringent) in its region of origin, however in Argentina Malbec has found a terroir (wine field) that gives a qualified taste by the expert winemakers and sommeliers of "friendly" since it is characterized by its delicacy and delicate aromas tastes which has deservedly given the "Malbec" Argentine a good World renowned fine wine. On the other hand, in the aforementioned Uco Valley, excellent sparkling wines are produced, many of them can keep the name of Champagne origin since these cases are produced by the same French winery companies.In addition, the importance of Mendoza is such in the production of wine that it is known as the "International Capital of Wine" and celebrates the National Harvest Festival.

Mendoza is currently and for decades the leading producer of Argentine wine quantitatively, qualitatively this region rivals the province of San Juan. The second national and South American producer is the one, which in recent years saw its production grow in quantity and quality, leaving aside the historical production of table wines in the area, to devote itself to the production of considerable wines quality, excelling the Syrah varietal.With regard to the production area, the Tulum Valley stands out (Pocito, Albardón, Caucete, San Martín and Sarmiento), as the main producer, followed by the valleys of Zonda and Ullum, also The Calingasta Valley stands out in a minority.Other regions are: Salta in a third production amount, being the nucleus of the wine production of Salta the region of the beautiful and plethoric in history Calchaquí Valleys), La Rioja (for example the Antinaco Valley - Los colorados), Catamarca (whose most famous center Tinogasta is wine, Neuquén (recently added to the production of wines, achieving very good qualities especially in the Pinot noir and Merlot vines that are grown from San Patricio del Chañar) or in the province of Río Negro (placing its main area viñatera in the Alto Valle del Río Negro) and the Neukol productions of San Patricio del Chañar are characterized by their rosé wines from Malbec and Merlot vineyards, having such wines a characteristic streaked color; also from wines from the Alto Valle, mountain wine is produced in Colonia Suiza, which is a Malbec wine fermented with cherries or raspberries and spiced. Quantitatively quite a distance from the others, Córdoba with qualitatively interesting productions ("boutique wines") especially in the surroundings of Caroya; in Tucumán there is a small artisanal production, boutique type- in the towns of Amaicha del Valle and Colalao del Valle, in the year these Tucuman productions take place in the small sector of the Calchaquí Valleys and for this reason they are very similar to the cafayateñas productions of Salta. Regarding the province of Entre Ríos, its main production was located on the coast of the Uruguay River, with the peripheries of Concordia and Colón as its centers; if in colonial times there was an important production in Concordia, the area was enhanced by the settlement of French and Francovalesan immigrants at the end of the 19th century; In 1910 Entre Ríos had 4874 hectares of vineyards, with about 60 wineries, the largest in the Concordia area and the others in Colón: Auriol, Salinas, Soler, Robinson and La Virgen. Among the varieties were: Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Tannat, Pinot blanc and Semillón. In the northwest of the province of Chubut are the southernmost vineyards on planet Earth, one of the Chubut sites dedicated to wine production has been Telsen, there are cultivated grapes of the Riesling and Tokaj varieties (variety, since 2007, called only as "pinot gris", Tokaj being the name of a city in Hungary) to make very fine white wines. The production of so-called ice wines being feasible there. Also at the beginning of s. XXI production of the southernmost wines in the world resumed, not only in Telsen but also in the Chubut area peripheral to the city of Trelew. 7. In Médanos, to the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires and east of the traditional wine regions of Argentina, it has recently begun to produce high quality wines. Located at 39 ° south latitude, Médanos is one of the vine production sites with the longest sun exposure time in the southern hemisphere. This characteristic makes the process of photosynthesis more extensive which results in a higher production of polyphenols and sugars, which added to the thick skin that results from a windy spring generates wines of intense and fresh color