The wine routes in Argentina is the name given to different wine producing regions of the Argentine Republic with the purpose of encouraging national tourism
Salta wine route,the wine route in this province begins in the provincial capital and goes through historic villages and culminates in Cafayate, in this place wines called Torrontés are produced, and also other types of grapes such as Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Chardonnay, currently in the towns of Yacochuya and Colomé, more than 2,000 meters high, new ventures are being developed, seeking to achieve distinctive strains due to the high weather conditions.
Catamarca is also part of the Wine Route, the main wine centers are located in arid and dry areas of the provincial west favored by a beneficial climate for the cultivation of the vine, such is the case of Fiambalá, Tinogasta, Pomán, Belén and Santa Mary. The main varieties installed are Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and Torrontés.
For many years viticulture has been practiced in
La Rioja with excellent products, the crops are concentrated Chilecito, Felipe Varela, Nonogasta, Vinchina, Villa Castelli, Castro Barros, San Blas de los Sauces, Anillaco, Famatina and Sanagasta, in all these places The production of grapes of different varieties, finds optimal conditions in terms of climate, determined that the most important wineries are installed in those places. Riojan wines have obtained international recognition many times.
In the province of San Juan, the Tulum Valley is considered the main grape producer, its dry and temperate climate is what makes it optimal for the production of Syrah, the main strain in the exploitation of vineyards, in addition fine and liquor wines are produced . The main wineries of San Juan are equipped with modern machinery, however, the oak has not been used to store its most precious wines.
In Mendoza, the main activity of agriculture is that of the vineyards, their products are of recognized quality throughout the world. It is called one of the International Capitals of Wine and is the province with the largest national production with more than 60% of the entire country. The wineries produce millions of hectoliters per year in a variety of very diverse varieties, including Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Barbera, Malbec, Syrah, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Semillón and Chenin among others. In the north of the province, white wines, young red wines are very good and in the east the largest wine production in Mendoza is concentrated. The great extension of cultivated lands in the province of Mendoza, makes it necessary to divide it into zones, since its climatic characteristics and altitude are very different:
North Zone: suitable for fruity whites and young reds, the altitude varies from 600 to 700 m.
East Zone: in this area the height ranges from 600 to 700 m. It is the area of greatest production.
Mendoza River High Zone: whose altitude varies between 800 and 1100 m. above sea level and microclimates, in this area all varieties occur, highlighting Malbec.
Uco Valley: zone of cold climate and greater height goes from 800 to 1400 m. Above sea level, the vineyards are located in the precordillera of Mendoza, the wines achieved are characterized by having more acidity.
San Rafael: 450 to 800 m. of altitude, here in 1993 the Designation of Origin was implemented.
In Rio Negro in the so-called high valley, the largest amount of fruits in the country is produced, mainly apple and pear, in addition to grapes. In the town of General Roca, the largest viticultural activity in the province is concentrated, there are wineries that are the southernmost in Argentina, excellent varieties of wines are produced, among them is the sparkling wine, with methods brought from France, the strains more developed are that of Pinot Noir, Semillón and Merlot. The region is characterized by winds, thus creating favorable conditions for a dry environment, which makes the vineyards less exposed to diseases, which is why some of the wines are considered organic.